Meet Peter Vajda, Canadian Franchisor

Thank you for visiting Jim’s Mowing is all about empowering people to build businesses which allow them to live their best lives. More money, more time, more freedom. I’ve been a Jim’s franchisee since 2013 and Canadian Master Franchisor since 2018. I’m very proud to have the opportunity to lead the amazing team of Jim’s franchisees in BC. In 2023 we turned away over 2,000 of our 10,000 customers (over 1 in 5) because we just din’t have enough franchisees to meet demand. Between 2022 and 2024 we’ve added over 30 new franchisees and we have another 6 starting in the second half of 2024. Our goal for 2024 is to increase our franchise network even further to serve as many more of our loyal customers as we possibly can.

Franchising since 1989

The Jim’s Group all began in Melbourne Australia with our founder, Jim Penman, and a single mowing route back in 1982. Jim is still heavily involved with the business to this day and his vision has built the largest home services brand in the world with over 50 divisions and 5,000 franchises globally. As Master Franchisor for Canada, I’m extremely proud to be a part of the Jim’s Group and Jim Penman’s 35-year vision to help people, become successful business owners around the world.

In Canada since 1997

Jim’s was launched in BC by a dedicated Canadian family in 1997, and what started with a single Mowing franchise in North Vancouver grew into an organization of several dozen franchises by the time they retired in 2018.

Since 2018 Jim’s Mowing has grown to over 80+ franchisees and our new customer leads have gone form 2,500 per year to over 10,000 per year.

We are growing quickly and always looking for great new franchisees!

Locations We Service

We actively need Franchisees in every city in British Columbia. Cities where we are turning away the most customers are Vancouver, Surrey, Burnaby, Langley, Coquitlam, Abbotsford and Penticton.

We have the Work you Need

All Jim’s Mowing advertising includes the Jim’s 310-JIMS phone number and all incoming calls are directed to the Delta Call Centre. Operators at the Call Centre use our Computer System to allocate new work to Franchisees based on the schedule they would like to work and the work they would like to do.

Lead Generation and Job Allocation

Jim’s Mowing’s extensive advertising generates more leads than our Franchisees can handle. This is work you could be getting paid for today! Enquiries are fielded by expert staff in our Vancouver Call Centre who pass enquiries on to franchisees. You simply nominate where and when you would like to take work and the Call Centre will send you an equal share of those leads too. This gives you total control over where and when you work.

As part of our disclosure process you’ll get the opportunity to speak with all of our franchisees. We are truly an open book.

Request your info pack now!